The Relaxed Parent Academy
You're there for them, Who's there for You?
I help parents who seek to increase confidence in their parenting abilities improve understanding and communication, to trust themselves so they relax, have more fun, and believe in the great job they are doing.
Reality Check
With the arrival of a child, whoever you were and wanted to be now takes a backseat to being a Parent, and a parent is not just a person with a child to care for.
Parenting is an experience in which most people have no training. Having a child, or children, is a strong dynamic force; you, your partner and your relationship enter a new dimension that while exciting and joyful, can create stress and anxiety. The balance can be shifted more positively by working with a parenting coach.
No matter how much experience with children you may already have, being a parent is difficult. That is why after 30 years as a Pediatrician, I chose to combine my expertise in pediatric medicine and coaching. I offer parents expert advice to support you emotionally, help you communicate effectively- building stronger bonds by creating the vision of your ideal family together and offer hands-on assurance that what you're experiencing with your child is normal, (or not), enhancing your confidence, so that when your kids falls asleep, you can too.
My expertise is not just limited to neurotypical children, I also have extensive experience with multiple births- (twins through quads), raising premature infants and children with special needs of all kinds, and I am comfortable coaching around these issues as well.

Learn the hard truths about parenting no one talks about (until it's too late)
Prepare for the hardest job you'll ever love doing
Receive education, guidance, and answers from a pediatric expert and mother of successful grown children
Have more fun with your partner and child
Take Action: 3 and 6 month coaching packages available to feel your best and become even better.
2 Great Options to Choose From